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Feb 17, 2012

"We have guided missiles and misguided men." --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Gandhi on Knowledge Without Character

"We have not yet learned to make use of our most civilizing capacities: the creativity and wisdom we all have as our birthright. When even one person comes into full possession of these capacities, our problems are shown in their true light: they are simply the results of avoidable -- though deadly -- errors of judgment. Gandhi formulated a series of diagnoses of the modern world's seemingly perpetual state of crisis, which he called 'the seven social sins.' I prefer to think of them as seven social ailments, since the problems they address are not crimes calling for punishment but crippling diseases that are punishment enough in themselves. The first -- and the one we will focus on here -- is knowledge without character. It traces all our difficulties to a simple lack of connection between what we know is good for us and our ability to act on that knowledge." The late Gandhian scholar Eknath Easwaran shares further.


"I believe that what self-centered men have torn down, men other-centered can build up. [...] I still believe that we shall overcome." An inspiring passage from MLK's Nobel acceptance speech. More ...