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Feb 8, 2012

"The most important thing in this world is to learn to give out love, and let it come in." --Morrie Schwartz

A Dying Boy's Special Bond with a Rescue Dog

Every moment is extra precious for 4-yr-old Lucas Hembree. Suffering from Sanfilippo syndrome, he isn't expected to live past 15. As the disease started to take a toll on Lucas' joints, his father Chester looked into getting a service dog to keep Lucas steady when he walked. A combination of prayer and persistence led Chester to Juno. "I had the feeling in my gut that I had to go see this dog," said Chester. But Juno herself was in bad shape: "She was emaciated, and was days away from being euthanized," said Chester. Right away, there was something instinctive about the relationship between Lucas and Juno. One day, Chester noticed Juno circling Lucas while he was in his wheelchair. "She was whining and nudging him with her nose," Chester says. "I checked his oxygen levels and they were very low." After giving him oxygen, Lucas returned to normal and Juno greeted him with licks and affection. The full, heart-melting story:


Today, approach the day with a resolve to give out love, and let it in.