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Nov 9, 2011

"Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are." --Arthur Golden

3 Lessons From A Collapsed Lung

"At the start of my junior year at USC, my left lung spontaneously collapsed unexpectedly. After being admitted to the ER, I spent four days at the Good Samaritan Hospital with a uncomfortable chest tube jutting out of my body. This was my first, real, and personal encounter of the true fragility of life: the fact that I could possess perfect health one day then instantly have to cling on for dear life the next - without any warning whatsoever. I recovered quickly, and I did my best to learn the lessons from this challenging but extremely revealing experience. Lessons like: being grateful for good health, keeping a powerfully positive attitude, and living life fully each day. So, just five weeks later, with no tubes to hold me back, I made a huge turnaround by seizing my dream of walking-on to the USC football team." Social entrepreneur Bronson Chang shares an inspiring personal story.


Approach the next adversity you face, no matter how minor it is, with gratitude, positivity, and fulfillment.