Discovering My Own Values
"For most of my life, I believe I inherited my values from my context. Working at Facebook, efficiency and leverage became important to me, along with openness, connectedness, impact. These were the things that kept me up at night. What should've kept me up was my dad's cancer. He'd been diagnosed sometime while I was in college, but I'd mostly pretended he hadn't because that was easier. I assumed he'd just get better. But then one day, during my Facebook years, he got worse. X-years-to-live type of thing. I was tempted to push the news aside again and go back to helping democratize the world's information (also known as processing my email) when something inside me flipped, snapped, woke up, sang out. I saw suddenly that I was living on autopilot." Leah Perlman, co-author of Facebook for Dummies, shares a heartfelt deep-dive about uncovering her own values.