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Nov 4, 2011
"Success is ultimately about connection, not perfection." --Whitney Johnson
The Essence of a Great Presentation
"A few months ago when I had worked with Macy in the recording studio, I found the circumstances even more daunting. Nearly every time I began to play, my mind would start churning: 'I'm not a professional musician. I'm going to make a lot of mistakes. The audience/album producer/recording engineer will think I'm lousy. I am lousy. I am going to let Macy down. Why did I think I could do this?' I've come to realize that my mental stumbling started when the performances stopped being about providing a musical foundation for Ms. Robison and creating a good experience for the audience -- and became about me. As soon as my focus shifted to 'How am I doing?' 'Do I sound good?' 'Do they like me?' nerves inevitably took over." Business author and advisor Whitney Johnson shares about the art of presentations.
"Perfection is a goal somewhere in the future, totality is an experience herenow. Totality is not a goal, it is a style of life." An interesting reflection from Osho. More ...