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Aug 7, 2011

"Are you here to produce agents of human change among your children? Are you here to change the mental set of people? So even if you do it with a small number it spreads. After all, Mahatma Gandhi was only one man." --Sister Cyril Mooney

Sister Cyril's Compassionate Vision

As principal of Loreto School in Calcutta, Irish Catholic nun Sister Cyril has worked some real-world miracles. Her school serves 1500 female students, of which 721 are so poor that they need food, medicines, and even money to meet the rent. By bringing children together like this, she is showing a way for middle class schools to integrate the poor living around them into their educational mainstream, to their mutual benefit. "The ripple effect" she's demonstrating -- founded on the belief that everyone receives to give -- has helped to transform the school into a center for community development, one that is diverse academically, financially, culturally and even religiously. In 2007, Sister Cyril was awarded the Padmashri, one of India's most prestigious awards, for having served over 450,000 street children.


Consider the ways in which you have received from others, and then reach out to help someone in need today.