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Jul 18, 2011
"Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it." --David Starr Jordan
Fostering Virtue
"How can we foster more virtue in our societies?" A question sparked for researcher Kentaro Toyama by a one-time interaction with a rickshaw driver in India. This reflective piece goes on to propose ideas for fostering virtue in three areas: Education, Measurement, and Mentoring. And of course, the question "How can I foster more virtue in myself?" comes up as well. There we're left with the intriguing idea that a virtue such as self-control operates much like a muscle: extensive use in the short-term can deplete it, but steady use over the long term -- like physical exercise for muscles -- can strengthen it.
Try fostering virtue through creating or joining community, as Kentaro suggests. Experiment with making values your organizing principle.