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Oct 17, 2010

"To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity." --Douglas Adams

Ask How Are You and Mean It

When asked about her greatest life lessons, artistic director Judith Jameson responds, "It starts with 'Hello, how are you.' And listening." In this humble interview, she shares gems of wisdom, ranging from humble leadership -- "Let people do things. If they do it better than you, let them do it" -- to staying grounded -- "Keep it human. Keep it alive. Don't turn into a robot... You have to listen, and really care, because we're all the same under the skin." -- to advice for business school graduates -- "When you're dealing with numbers, see the people behind those numbers, and understand that they're just like you. You just happen to have a degree in business and you could be very, very smart. But they might be smart in other ways that you aren't. And give people full credit for being who they are.


Stop, make eye contact, smile, and ask "How are you?" Be quiet and truly listen to the teller at your bank, the clerk at the dry cleaners, the friend you meet...