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Jun 28, 2010

"I am open to the guidance of synchronicity, and do not let expectations hinder my path." --Dalai Lama

The Art of the Mind

"After about an hour I got to a ridge top that I'd never been on before. It was hot. I headed down the ridge, looking for a shady spot to eat my sandwich. I saw a large tree, standing alone, about one hundred yards off the edge of the trail. It had a great view: a vast swath of the East Bay stretching away to San Francisco with the Golden Gate in the distance. Not a bad place to be homeless, I thought." After finishing his sandwich, Tom Weidlinger looked at the tree more closely. He noticed a few small, weathered canvases tucked in between some of the branches. "As far as I could see there was nothing on the canvases except patches of black and grey mold. Whatever had once been painted on the surfaces had apparently been eradicated by sun, rain, and wind. Then I moved closer and picked up the smallest canvas, leaning against the base of the tree trunk. There was something on it after all. Typed in tiny and now faded Courier letters was this inscription: "Welcome to the art of the mind."


Stop to recall whether you've ever been helped by something utterly unexpected.