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Jun 1, 2010

"Courage is the power to let go of the familiar." --Raymond Lindquist

Adventurer leaves NY Career to Walk Across the US

I don't suppose you've watched 'Forest Gump,' Ron Struzynski chuckles as he watches 30-year-old Matt Green set up a tent for the evening. Green, previously an New York City civil engineer, finds himself in Wisconsin tonight, after embarking on a 6-month walk across the U.S. in late March. In these uncertain times, most of us cling to the things that make us feel secure. Those who have jobs give thanks. We hug our children a little tighter. We wait - and hope - for better times. So when someone like Matt Green comes along, we shake our heads a little and wonder. Who is this young man, bearded and weather-worn, pushing a cart down a country road, mile after mile? And why would he abandon a solid career to walk all the way across the United States? "Good question," Green agrees, and he goes on to note, "Playing it safe isn't really that safe. If you do that, you miss out on a lot of the great things life has to offer."


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