
For the last 27 years, DailyGood newsletters have offered a daily email that inspires you to respond to life with creativity and kindness. To join a community of 149,646 subscribers, subscribe here.

Nov 29, 2009

"Have compassion for everyone you meet, even if they don't want it. What appears bad manners, an ill temper or cynicism is always a sign of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen. You do not know what wars are going on down there where the spirit meets the bone." --Miller Williams

Have Compassion For Everyone You Meet

"Yesterday I was in the grocery store and ran into an old client. (I worked in Social Services for 14 years and recently left to pursue other things). This particular person had been a very abrasive, belligerant and loud client, which intimidated some of the staff. Somehow I became the person who was best at dealing with these sorts of folks and I was called to the front desk to talk with him. He was tall and, well, scary looking. Wild hair, missing teeth, buggy eyes. I brought him to my office where he began crying and we talked about his life and what he needed help with." So begins this short, real-life story about how a single act of kindness can sometimes be remembered and repaid years later in the most surprising ways.


The next time you encounter a difficult person, try responding from a place of compassion.