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Aug 11, 2009

"The term "power" comes from the Latin posse: to do, to be able, to change, to influence or effect. To have power is to possess the capacity to control or direct change. All forms of leadership must make use of power. The central issue of power in leadership is not Will it be used? But rather Will it be used wisely and well?" --Al Gini

In Good We Trust

San Francisco has nearly one nonprofit organization for every 100 residents, and the Bay Area spends more than twice as much per capita in the nonprofit sector as the nation does as a whole. SF Bay Area innovators have been drivers of the environmental, antiwar, civil rights, and AIDS movements and now the nonprofit sector. "They wanted to change the world, and now a lot of them are, by running key multimillion-dollar agencies," says Sandra Hernandez, the quietly giant public servant who leads the San Francisco Foundation. Let's face it: What matters most in the Bay Area is not just doing good, but doing it in ways that feel pioneering and even cool. This in-depth article outlines 19 great ideas that are now spreading -- or should -- from the Bay Area into a world that badly needs them.


Reflect on what "power" you feel you have and how you can use it wisely.