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Jun 15, 2009

"Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one." --Marianne Williamson

An 11-Year-Old's Gift of Service

Water now flows to Nyamagongo school in Tanzania. It flows because, in the SF Bay Area, an 11-year-old boy told an 11-year-old girl about a small village full of orphans in Africa. And then the girl gave up birthday gifts and helped change the lives of Ogutu and Wilis and 400 children she has never met. The world would seem smaller and she would carry in her heart the rare gift of knowledge that one person, even one child, can make a difference. Classmate Jamal Gamal would give her the gift, and for Lily Gordon, it was an obvious choice. "So, when, like, I could give these kids water for the rest of their lives, for their children and their children after them, or I could get a puzzle, it just, like, seemed so much more important," she said.


The next time someone wants to give you a gift, consider how you can engage in collective social action.