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Apr 24, 2009

"You know, no one's sad when company's coming. I have memories of company coming to my parents' home and all of us getting well-dressed and anticipating good food. That's the atmosphere I try to create, to always feel festive about our daily life." --Vimala Rajendran

Vimala Cooks. Everybody Eats.

Vimala Rajendran's personal story shines with resilience and inspiration. It is the story of someone who refused to be a victim and who chose to give back. For 12 years, Vimala has blended her love of cooking with a commitment to community to create weekly dinners in her Chapel Hill home. These dinners have grown to feed up to 100 people weekly. Men in collared shirts, women with dreadlocks, students in T-shirts and children with sticky fingers all come as they are to Vimala's home on Wednesday evenings, spilling into the small kitchen and living room. Raleigh resident Jess Frucht says it's impossible to meet Vimala and shake her hand; instead, Vimala will hug you. A donation jar is open each week, which helps her break even, but contributions are not required. Often, the dinners raise funds for a local charity. This article shares more about her powerful journey.


Write a note of appreciation to Vimala -- or to someone else in your own life who has served you unconditionally. More ...