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Oct 5, 2008

"I was walking one morning, when it started to rain. I recall feeling a raindrop, and I considered whether I had been the first to feel the initial one or had the privilege been given to someone else. Every storm must begin with a single drop of rain. And so it is with every worthwhile movement ... it begins with an idea that is too simple to be taken seriously...and then comes the storm." --Marco Caceres

The Woman Who Gave Away College Educations

Oral Lee Brown is on a mission to get Oakland kids into college. It's a commitment she made on the spur of the moment two decades ago."I don't know where it came from, but in my wildest imagination I would never have been involved with kids," says Brown. In 1987 on the spur of the moment she promised a first grade class of 23 students a free college education. Brown isn't the only person to send kids to college, but what makes her story unique is the personal sacrifice. She was making just $45,000 a year when she first started and she put $10,000 of it into a trust fund for her kids.


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