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Apr 1, 2008

"To photograph truthfully and effectively is to see beneath the surfaces and record the qualities of nature and humanity which live or are latent in all things." --Ansel Adams

Capturing Final, Precious Moments

In the muted light of the maternity ward, photographer Sandy Puc' works steadily, composing portraits of infant David. "If you want to put your lips right on the top of his head?" she asks David's father. "There. That's beautiful." There is always a final kiss to capture. David was stillborn early this morning. His parents, Gina and Rob Harris, will take home his plastic hospital bracelet and his blue blanket, embroidered with stars. They will try to hold onto their memories, but those will blur, and they will turn to these portraits: Sandy knows what the pictures will mean; that's why she has come and stayed all night. A photographer who teaches portraiture worldwide, she also runs Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep -- a phenomenal volunteer network dedicated to photographing dead and dying infants.


Offer yourself to someone suffering a loss. If you or someone you know serves through photography, take a look at Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep's volunteer network. More ...