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Feb 29, 2008

"Community means strength that joins our strength to do the work that needs to be done. Arms to hold us when we falter. A circle of healing. A circle of friends. Someplace where we can be free." --Starhawk

Building Communities from the Inside Out

In communities across the United States, people have rediscovered ancient wisdom about what builds strong communities, and then developed new ways to fit that wisdom to late 20th century community realities. As sources for funding community development projects have dried up, savvy organizers and leaders across the US are looking inward to identify the possible resources embedded in their own communities. Instead of analyzing what is lacking, Asset Maps are tools used to first identify community strengths: knowledge, skills, resources, values, and commitments of individual residents. John Kretzmann, director of the Neighborhood Innovations Network, explores Asset based community development, and shares Seven Uses for a Capacity Inventory.


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