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Dec 9, 2007
"Giving time doesn't necessarily take more "time"; rather it requires a shift in one's mindset. The simplest thing everyone can give is the gift of a commitment to a value -- practice meditation daily, work out three times a week, donate money to a charity every month, whatever it is." --Nipun Mehta
Seven Questions on Giving Time
"In the moment when we spend money for others, there is the deep joy of expressing gratitude, of imagining the recipient's delight and of silently recognizing our interconnection. It's beautiful. Yet, it only lasts for that moment. Instead, when you give time and allow yourself space to experience the process, you witness a long series of those joyous moments. If spending money is generosity, spending time is like generosity on steroids." So begins this interview with the founder of CharityFocus on what it truly means to give of our time.