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Nov 27, 2007

"Each of us has much more hidden inside us than we have had a chance to explore. Unless we create an environment that enables us to discover the limits of our potential, we will never know what we have inside of us." --Muhammad Yunus

The Generous Car Salesman

Car salesmen get called a lot of things. "Living saint" is rarely one of them. And yet a Chevy dealer from Oregon just might be the exception. His name is Korry Holtzlander. "There are no bad men. There are no bad men on the planet," Holtzlander says, "There're just those who are lost." Last December, Holtzlander found a homeless man sleeping in one of the cars on his lot. But instead of giving him the boot, Holtzlander gave him a cup of coffee, talked to the guy for two hours, and eventually helped him find an apartment. It was such an amazing story, that the homeless man told another homeless man. Soon, word of this good Samaritan salesman started spreading through the homeless and prison communities. And the more people showed up, the more Holtzander gave.


The next time you find someone in the wrong, turn the situation around and see how you can respond with generosity. And send a note to Korry Holtzlander, the generous car salesman. More ...