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Aug 29, 2007

"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather." --John Ruskin

China's Umbrella Samaritans

Thanks to a rainy day and an inspiring series of photos that captured a random act of kindness, residents in Qingdao, China don't need to worry about being caught in the rain without an umbrella. The "Love and Care Umbrella" campaign provides free umbrellas in places like banks, shopping malls, and even buses and taxis. It was started after a series of pictures were posted online, accompanied by a touching story. In the series of pictures, an old woman is stumbling to cross a street and is caught in a sudden rain shower. A man in a nearby restaurant rushes into the street with an umbrella. A few minutes later, a girl rushes out with another umbrella to lend an extra hand. Watching the scene unfold from the seventh floor of a building across the street was a professor, so moved by the sight that he captured it on film to share with the world.


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