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Apr 18, 2007

"You can understand and relate to most people better if you look at them -- no matter how old or impressive they may be -- as if they are children. For most of us never really grow up or mature all that much -- we simply grow taller. O, to be sure, we laugh less and play less and wear uncomfortable disguises like adults, but beneath the costume is the child we always are, whose needs are simple, whose daily life is still best described by fairy tales." --Leo Rosten

13 Child Jurors & Their Verdict

Last week, new jury members, Hannah Taylor, 11, from Canada, and Rakesh Kumar, 12, from India, took part in their first jury meeting to select the 2007 recipient of the World's Children's Prize. Hannah is a child crusader for the homeless and Rakesh is a former child slave. This year they joined 13 other children from around the world to decide who would receive one of the world's most prestigious awards for outstanding contributions to the rights of the child. All of the jury members are experts on the rights of the child through their own life experiences or, as in Hannah's case, experts in standing up for the rights of other children. The following press release announces this unusual jury's 'verdict'.


Experiment with looking at the child within each person you interact with. How does this change the way you relate to them?