Work That Makes You Come Alive
John Chen has bungee-jumped from 120-foot-high bridges, walked over 40 feet of red-hot coals and parachuted from a plane. What was his scariest feat? "Trying to figure out how to leave Microsoft," he says. The software-design program manager finally quit the technology giant in mid-1999. Now, Chen, a self-described experiential educator, leads individuals on life-changing adventures -- such as climbing nearby Mount Rainier. He doesn't regret his switch. Nor do two others who also forsook the fast-paced corporate environment to pursue more altruistic careers: Peggy Foerch Fitzgerald became a "doula," or childbirth coach, and Bruce Baker enrolled in divinity school, eventually becoming a Presbyterian pastor. In this Wall Street Journal article, the trio offers guideposts for those struggling to redefine their contributions to society.