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Nov 5, 2006
"We are seeking another basic outlook: the world as an organization. This would profoundly change the categories of our thinking and influence our practical attitudes. We must envision the biosphere as a whole with mutually reinforcing or mutually destructive interdependencies." --Ludwig Von Bertalanffy
Worldwide Economic Integration
One of the defining characteristics of the world in which we now live is that distances are shrinking rapidly. The shrinking globe has been a major source of the powerful wave of worldwide economic integration and increased economic interdependence that we are currently experiencing. This speech by US Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke outlines causes and implications of declining economic distances and increased economic integration. In reviewing past episodes of global economic integration, he identifies some common themes and concludes that the continuing shrinking of distances due to economic and technological changes will create the potential for continued improvements in productivity and living standards and for a reduction in global poverty.