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Oct 25, 2006

"A new kind of mind begins to come into being which is based on the development of a common meaning that is constantly transforming in the process of the dialogue. People are no longer primarily in opposition, nor can they be said to be interacting, rather they are participating in this pool of common meaning, which is capable of constant development and change." --David Bohm

The World's Biggest Round Table

What is today's most important unreported story? What happens after I die? Can dancing change the world? These are just a sampling of the questions from around the world, posed to 112 leading thinkers, artists, philosophers, activists and scientists who participated in the "Table of Free Voices," an open-air, nine-hour marathon session of answering questions from around the world. The meeting was part of the Dropping Knowledge project, founded with the vision of 'preserving, expanding and sharing our planet's collective knowledge'. 100 of these questions were read out to the participants who simultaneously responded to each question in three minutes. The answers were recorded and are now being loaded online in 1,120 short films, which will be available on the Dropping Knowledge Web site. Users can comment on the answers and send in their own responses and thoughts.


Read some of the most active questions and their related dialogues from the Round Table. More ...