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Aug 12, 2006

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you will join us, and the world will live as one." --John Lennon

Imagine: A Run Across America

Imagine: the 100 million disabled people in developing countries, who today must crawl on the ground, suddenly owning a wheelchair. That's the goal of Free Wheelchair Mission, which will benefit from the efforts of William Hibbard, a long time marathon runner, as he undertakes a cross-country trek to raise money to deliver 25,000 wheelchairs worldwide. Titled, "Imagine: A Run Across America", Hibbard will run 52.5 miles a day, the equivalent of two marathons, in hopes of raising awareness of the plight of the developing world's disabled population. "The idea came to me while marathon training and thinking about John Lennon," said William Hibbard, a long-time John Lennon fan. "I realized how Lennon's song Imagine took a simple idea and inspired millions of people. The one thing God gave me is a pair of sturdy legs that can run well, and if I can run and help get people wheelchairs that so desperately need them, then I've done my small part."


Support the Free Wheelchair Mission's goal of "Transforming Lives Through the Gift of Mobility." More ...