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Jul 29, 2006
"Love is not a thing to understand. Love is not a thing to feel. Love is not a thing to give and receive. Love is a thing only to become and eternally be." --Sri Chinmoy
51-Day Self-Transcendence Race
It's a 51-day event and the world's longest foot race, but instead of going 3,100 miles from New York to Los Angeles, they will circle one city block in Queens -- for two months straight. Athletes wear out more than 12 pairs of shoes, run more than two marathons daily and all but one of this year's runners are foreigners who left their jobs as postal workers, gardeners and factory workers. And the grand prize? Winner of the Sri Chinmoy's 10th annual Self-Transcendence race gets a t-shirt and a plastic trophy. Fifty year old Suprabha Beckjord is the only person to have finished the race every year; he notes, "Something inside my soul just loves it. It's like running on love."
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