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Aug 12, 2004

"Who would you be without your story? You never know until you inquire. There is no story that is you or that leads to you. Every story leads away from you. Turn it around; undo it. You are what exists before all stories. You are what remains when the story is understood." --Byron Katie

Four Simple Questions

She was depressed for more than a decade, paranoid and agoraphobic, and for two years didn’t get out of bed. Although she had plenty of money and a beautiful home, she was miserable and eventually moved into a hostel for women with eating disorders — the only place with mental health support that her insurance policy would pay for. Then, one morning, she woke up and it was all gone. "Instead of the darkness I experienced joy. It was as if I had fallen into a place that no one had told me existed." That woman in her thirties in now Byron Katie, a self-taught teacher of happiness -- which comes, she says, from "loving what is."


Answer the four simple questions that changed Byron Katie's life. (a) Is it true? (b) Can you absolutely know that it's true? (c) How do you react when you think that thought? (d) Who would you be without the thought?