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May 15, 2004

"Important social change frequently begins with a single entrepreneurial author: one obsessive individual who sees a problem and envisions a new solution, who takes the initiative to act on that vision, who gathers resources and builds organizations to protect and market that vision, who provides the energy and sustained focus to overcome the inevitable resistance, and who -- decade after decade -- keeps improving, strengthening and broadening that vision until what was once a marginal idea has become a new norm." --David Bornstein

Decade of Dot-Orgs

The 1990s will be billed as a dot-com decade. But considering the worldwide explosion of social organizations that far exceeded the growth of technology firms, it probably should be known as the decade of the dot-orgs. In Canada, registered citizen groups grew more than 50% since 1987, to over 200,000, while in France, close to 70,000 new groups were registered each year in the 1990s. Twenty years ago, Indonesia had only one independent environmental organization; today, it has more than 2,000. In Bangladesh, more than 20,000 non-governmental organizations now handle the country's development work. And India has well over one million citizen groups.


Think about a social change idea and do a Google search on it.