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Aug 28, 2023

"When we can build community based on truth and authenticity, rather than masks, false perfection, and being phoney, we heal, connect, and thrive.

" --Lissa Rankin

Lissa Rankin: Sacred Medicine & The Mysteries of Healing

"I write a lot in Sacred Medicine about the paradoxes of healing and one of them is to be clear in your intention to heal, to do whatever's in your power to change your life, and go for it. And don't be passive, make it happen. Let go of attachment to outcomes, surrender to what is, accept the limitations that sometimes we're limited, we're not limitless. Sometimes just being able to accept those limitations creates like an opening of peace. That peace can actually calm the nervous system, which paradoxically can sometimes actually create the outcomes that we wanted in the first place that we can't get when we're revving our engines, grasping for our miracle." Lissa Rankin is a best-selling author, ob-gyn, linear thinker, and evidence-informed scientist. In the same breath, however, she also describes herself as a mystic -- an open-hearted, spiritually alive, empathic healer who has witnessed countless miracles of healing and has also experienced them firsthand herself. More in this in-depth interview.


More from Rankin here, "The Paradoxes of Healing." More ...