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Jul 11, 2021

"Faith is a withholding of conclusion so that you allow what is to arise. " --Adyashanti

Earning Humility: My Story of Meeting Rollie Grandbois

"It was a bright August morning and I had the shop all to myself. Since my wife and I were staying nearby, we'd driven past the place before on the way to town. To tell the truth, from the look of it, I'd decided it was best avoided. But this morning, I'd decided to go against my snap judgments. Besides, I needed a little break. So as an exercise, I thought I'd go out for a walk and strike up a conversation with strangers as the opportunity appeared. This required an effort to go against my usual tendency. To be candid, the idea of approaching strangers stirred up a little anxiety. So I thought I'd start with a shopkeeper. It wasn't going so well." In this quiet, beautifully written piece, art magazine editor, Richard Whittaker shares the story of a day of unexpected encounters, and the riches that sometimes reveal themselves when we withhold conclusion.


The next time you have an instantaneous judgment come up about someone, or something -- see if you can summon the curiosity to step past it, and see what there is to discover on the other side.