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Jul 6, 2021
"Each culture is just like a tree whose essence and whole potential are already contained in the seed." --Peter Kingsley
A Story Waiting to Pierce You
"A true encanto, an incantation, this book is pure music. It sings to the reader. This is the real thing. In each paragraph of the book, the Spirit is there. This is what the native people of the Americas have been trying to say, but were never permitted to. This song is the song of wisdom that we native people have not been allowed to sing." These words by Joseph Rael (Beautiful Painted Arrow) are taken from the forward of Peter Kingsley's acclaimed book, "A Story Waiting to Pierce You: Mongolia, Tibet, and the Destiny of the Modern World." More in this insightful review.
Kingsley maintains that to approach oneness authentically, Western civilization must rediscover its own sacred origins and purpose. He shares more in this interview. Take a moment to reflect on your own relationship and approach to oneness. More ...