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DailyGood News That Inspires

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The Inner Landscape of Beauty

Your identity is not equivalent to your biography. There is a place in you where you have never been wounded, where there's a seamlessness in you, and where there is a confidence and tranquility.

- John O'Donohue -

The Inner Landscape of Beauty

For the late Celtic mystic John O'Donohue, the visible world isn't all there is -- it's "the first shoreline of the invisible world." The question of what should I do, is secondary to the question of "how should I be?" In short, spirituality isn't an esoteric notion, but an accessible, natural response to the landscapes of beauty around us, and within us. His unique perspective, captured in this rare interview, is informed by a rich life experience, including a career as a Priest, a PhD scholar of existential philosophy and ancient Celtic wisdom, a corporate business consultant on leadership and creativity, and a modern poet and visionary. { read more }

Be The Change

Explore more of John O'Donohue's words on beauty and wisdom. { more }

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