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Apr 2, 2020
"Food isn't just generic energy--it's molecular information. In addition to fueling the mitochondrial powerhouses, food tells our cells what to do and serves as building blocks for hormones, brain chemicals, and cell membranes." --Cynthia Li
How to Strengthen Your Inner Shield
Cynthia Li MD is a gifted physician and author who has had experience with battling an autoimmune disorder and recognizing both the power and limits of conventional medicine. "In the current pandemic, the strength of your immune system is the critical difference between milder and more severe illness caused by the COVID-19 virus. In a gift e-booklet, 'How to Strengthen Your Inner Shield,' Li offers key science-based strategies, beyond physical distancing and hygiene measures, for building up what she calls your "inner shield.""A copy of this vital booklet is linked to at the end of the following piece. Read and share it with your community.
For more inspiration join this Saturday's call with Cynthia Li: "Brave New Medicine: Building Personal Resilience and Immunity." More details and RSVP info here. More ...