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Aug 12, 2017

"If it's wild to your own heart, protect it. Preserve it. Love it. " --Rick Bass

The Solace of Wild Places in Nature and Ourselves

Most of us live far from truly wild places that could give us comfort from the troubles of this world, yet we badly need this healing found in nature. The Japanese recognize this need for connection to nature and have a custom they call "shinrin-yoku," which means forest bathing. In this piece, Lucia Bettler recommends that we each take time to rest our minds and hearts in the quiet greenness of Mother Earth. "This wild world brings us solace, peace and grace." Knowing that most of us don't live near forests or mountains, she suggests developing simple relationships with nature to restore our spirits -- things like taking a walk with a pet, watching the insects in the grass or sitting in the herb garden to rejuvenate ourselves. She reminds the reader that the medicine we all need is found in connection to the earth.


Walk in the silence of nature where wildness can be felt and make room for yourself to be free for a little while each day. Lucia, the author of the beautiful piece featured here is currently navigating health challenges. If you'd like to send her a positive note of well-wishes and appreciation you can do so here. More ...