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Oct 12, 2016

"If we apply our minds directly and competently to the needs of the earth, then we will have begun to make fundamental and necessary changes in our minds. " --Wendell Berry

Lessons from the Garden: Harvest & Gratitude

"It's harvest time. Plums are falling from the trees every day. Tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and beans need daily picking along with the plums, or they become too ripe too quickly. Im making sauces, soups and stews to freeze, and blanching chard and the last broccoli. Sometimes it feels overwhelming. A friend phoned a couple of days ago and invited me out to Alberta for a few days. Sounds wonderful and impossible, I say. I explain about the garden and harvest, but can tell it doesn't make any sense to her. She mutters something, not for the first time, and not without kindness, that Im a slave to the garden. Its not meant to be like that, is it? she offers." A writer shares her gratitude at the bounty Nature gives at harvest time in her garden, and asks what are we all doing to work with Nature to provide the food we eat.


Reflect on what you are planting and harvesting in the garden of your own life this fall.