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Aug 9, 2016
"Find the seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower." --Shigenori Kameoka
Buddhas on Death Row: A Bridge of Art and Friendship
Buddhas on Death Row is a project that was born out of the collaboration of two pen friends, based in the United States and Finland. Their names: Moyo and Maria. What follows is a sampling of Moyo's art and a selection of excerpts from his letters written on Death Row. Using the pages of a discarded atlas for stationery, he answers Maria's questions regarding his relationship to art, shares his perspective on solitary confinement, and conveys with dignity and eloquence, the transformation that the human spirit is capable of even in the midst of darkness.
How did Moyo's words, his art and the intention behind it move you? If inspired to send a reflection or message of appreciation, to Buddhas on Death Row you can do so here. More ...