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Dec 30, 2014

"With life as short as a half-taken breath, don't plant anything but love." --Rumi

Anne Lamott On Grief, Grace & Gratitude

In this sharp yet poignant piece, writer Anne Lamott reflects on mortality and what it means to be truly alive. She writes of her experience taking a walk with a friend who is dying, "First of all, friends like this may not even think of themselves as dying, although they clearly are, according to recent scans and gentle doctors' reports. But no, they see themselves as fully alive. They are living and doing as much as they can, as well as they can, for as long as they can." Anne goes on to share a conversation she had with a friend processing a fatal diagnosis. "I have what everyone wants, but no one would be willing to pay." said Anne's friend. What are they? "The two most important things. I got forced into loving myself. And I'm not afraid of dying anymore." Read on for more of Anne's eloquent thoughts on the charged complexity of our human experience."


How do you keep yourself in touch with the beauty of life? Some people keep gratitude journals, meditate, create music, connect with family, etc. Choose and implement a daily practice that reminds you of life's immense beauty.