Mind & Body
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Conversation with Peacemaking Mystic, Orland Bishop
“What are the questions being asked of me?” and “Why would I do something my heart is telling me not to do?” Orland Bishop addresses these two questions in his interview with Berry Liberman, spanning from his emigration to the United States to his social healing work. Bishop discusses how what is happening in the world today due to the collective unconscious reflects the un... posted on Apr 30 2024, 1,988 reads


Luminous Darkness: A Journey Through Suffering
Mystic-poet Lucy Grace shares her profound insights around human suffering and its transformative potential. Recalling a pivotal insight at school, the day after a frightening encounter with a gang at the age of eight, she describes, "I looked at my thumb and I said to myself, 'Lucy, don't worry, it's really hard now, but this thumb is part of your future. This thumb exists on the adult that you a... posted on Apr 26 2024, 3,323 reads


Madhu Anziani: Healing Power of Sound
"Losing all of the basic functions of being a human being was the greatest teacher," says Madhu Anziani. "It was an opportunity to go fully into the teachings I had received around energy, sound, and vibration." At 23, a serious accident left him paralyzed from the neck down, incontinet, and unable to breathe on his own. Left to face the flurry of emotions in his mind, the musician was forced to d... posted on Apr 15 2024, 1,778 reads


Rethinking Identity, Embracing Destiny
Have you ever felt exhausted by your own identity? Is it even necessary? In a compelling dialogue with Zhenevere Sophia Dao, Alnoor Ladha from Culture Hack Labs discusses how identity can be overrated, and often distracts from truly belonging to life. According to Dao, identity can even be a replacement for genuine belonging. She offers a compelling argument against giving too much power to identi... posted on Apr 14 2024, 1,408 reads


Unveiling Gifts from Uncertainty
Through a poignant reflection of her father's debilitating stroke, Christie Aschwanden explores the concept of uncertainty as not just an inevitable hazard of life, but a herald of new opportunities. When her father transitions from a robust long-distance cyclist to being wheelchair-bound, she realizes that life's sudden changes knock open the door to adjusting, learning and transforming in unexpe... posted on Apr 12 2024, 1,626 reads


Knowing Our Power in Tumultuous Times
Even after dealing with extremely challenging pandemic and climate disasters over the past few years, Kelly O’Shanassy, CEO of the Australian Conservation Foundation, is optimistic. “The future is not a linear extension of the past,” she says, and sets about to help shape an exciting new future. A few things that give her hope include moving from focusing on symptoms to recognizi... posted on Apr 10 2024, 1,862 reads


Feeling Anxious? A Good Deed Could Snap You Out Of It
Ever been incredibly overwhelmed by stress? Clinical psychologist, Jenny Taitz, shares a simple yet effective technique called a 'stress reset'. A stress reset involves three types - mind, body and behavior resets and offers quick ways to soothe our thoughts, body and actions allowing us space to solve problems rather than exacerbating them. Mind resets include naming your emotions, singing your t... posted on Apr 09 2024, 1,711 reads


Inner Worlds
"Each of us lives in many different worlds. There’s the world of work, the world of our family, and our inner worlds. These worlds inside are the ones we’re most responsible for, because no one else can take care of them. So we have to learn how to make them nourishing. If they’re starved, if all we can talk to ourselves about is how miserable we are, how impoverished we are, how... posted on Apr 08 2024, 3,055 reads


Friend or FOMO?
Ever felt like something was missing in your life while mindlessly scrolling through social media feeds filled with seemingly perfect connections and adventures? Well, you're not alone. A fresh look reveals the often overlooked social pressures and one-sided portrayals of social media that can cause one to question their own friendships. Understanding that meticulously curated posts might be gloss... posted on Apr 05 2024, 1,755 reads


How to Reboot After Disappointment at Work
"You might experience disappointment at work in many ways: a long-term project does not come to fruition, a new position opens up and you don’t get it, or your hard work does not pay off. Faced with a sense of loss and disappointment, we have no choice but to respond." Greater Good Magazine outlines three practices with relevant research that can personally alchemize a setback into possibili... posted on Apr 03 2024, 3,774 reads


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Quote Bulletin

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

Maya Angelou

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